
Neither Healthy nor Hunger-Free

FoxNews has an article about the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 – legislation promoted by Michelle Obama, which is neither keeping some kids Healthy nor Hunger Free. The Federal law is a one-size fits all solution for school lunches. Therefore, you get the 6'3" high school linebacker, who burns through 3000 calories during afternoon practice, being forced to eat (if he buys the school lunch) a 780 calorie lunch, the same as that skinny kid who just grows tall, but never gains a pound... even though he can burn through the calories just as fast, the same as the 5'4" 240 pound kid who really does need to lose wait, but doing it this extremely may be dangerous to his/her health.

Don't get me wrong, we've got some fat kids. But school lunches are not the problem. It's the lack of exercise, too much air conditioning (why go outside and play when it's cool inside), and too much tv/games.

Now we've also got a free-market problem on our hands. They've reduced the food, reduced the calories, and reduced the price. Wait, no! Haha! The government does not reduce prices! No, they raised the price of lunch 10 cents. Nothing like a government agency to waste millions of dollars on overages and waste. (See also Amtrak's $10 burger)

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