
Brooks Wicker Hosts a Tea Dumping Party

Editor's Note:
This story was originally posted at www.rightspeak.net, here, on 2012 July 4.

Today I had the opportunity to go to a mock tea party on the Ohio River. The event was put on by the Brooks Wicker for Congress campaign. We had a large barrel with the word "TAX" on it. As the barrel was rolled down the ramp to the Ohio River, Mr. Wicker spoke to us about the need for repealing ObamaCare and voting out President Obama and John Yarmuth (the incumbent for KY-CD3). Mr. Yarmuth is one of President Obama's most faithful Congressmen. I am doing what I can to help Brooks Wicker defeat him this November.

When Mr. Wicker finished his speech, the barrel was unplugged and we dumped the "tea" into the river.

more important now than ever that we get rid of President Obama, we get
rid of John Yarmuth, and we get control of the Senate." -Brooks Wicker
It is more important than any time in the history of our country that
we make those changes. Because there is a definite threat to our
freedom and our liberty and our way of life with the administration we
have in place." -Brooks Wicker

A Liberal Wakes Up

Editor's note:
This article was originally posted at www.rightspeak.net, here, on 2012 July 7.

In my district, we have a Congressman, John Yarmuth, who stated he has not heard from a single person who does not like ObamaCare. Nevermind that I know my wife and I have called and written letters to his office various times about our dissent. I'm sure others of you in various communities around the nation have similar experiences with your liberal or Democrat representatives.

Nevertheless, when a liberal truly researches the situation, their eyes are truly opened. Cue Max, a true-blue union member, with a Cadillac health plan, Obama can do no wrong and ObamaCare is the greatest government program since women suffrage. He's a fellow who is a regular caller to our local radio political talk show on 84 WHAS. Mandy Connell has a lot of fun with him and his awakening.

Listen to the call and the reaction. Fortunately, the call is at the beginning of this clip, lasts about 5 minutes, and the reaction fills out the last 25 minutes.

Does John Yarmuth understand the PPACA?

From an interview of John Yarmuth by an elementary school child, we find out what the Congressman likes about the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).  Note the number of things he gets wrong:

Interviewer: What do you like about the Affordable Health Care Act and, if anything, what don't you like?

John Yarmuth: Well, I like the fact that it enables everybody to have coverage. It protects everybody from going bankrupt or losing their home and all of their money from an illness or an accident.  It is ... it helps to bring down costs to healthcare over a long period of time and saves the country money. So all those things are good and many of the provisions are good.  I think the thing that I don't like is that it is a very complicated plan and it is very hard for many people to understand how it will affect them and their families.

My response: The plan does not enable everybody to have coverage. http://www.businessinsider.com/obamacare-wont-cover-everyone-2012-6

The plan may not prevent as many bankruptcies due to illness: http://www.articlesbase.com/law-articles/fewer-us-bankruptcies-after-the-affordable-care-act-probably-not-6088538.html

It absolutely does not bring down health care costs.  http://www.forbes.com/sites/aroy/2012/03/22/how-obamacare-dramatically-increases-the-cost-of-insurance-for-young-workers/ In fact, it is meant to drive up costs so that we will finally enact a single payer plan, the socialists dream. From personal experience, my health insurance (privately purchased) has increased more in the past two years, as both a percentage and in raw dollar amounts, than in the previous 10 years.

It does not save the country money. http://www.forbes.com/sites/aroy/2012/07/27/cbo-obamacare-will-spend-more-tax-more-and-reduce-the-deficit-less-than-we-previously-thought/

Mr. Yarmuth is correct, the PPACA is a complicated plan. Even after we passed it (so we could know what is in it), we still don't know what is in it.

By contrast, Mr. Brooks Wicker is running as the Republican candidate against the incumbent John Yarmuth. Mr. Wicker understands that the PPACA is major hindrance to economic growth in the country and our city. Remember to vote for Mr. Wicker on Nov. 6th.