
John Yarmuth's Voting Record

Just a quick post while I'm thinking of it. I remember listening to John Yarmuth taking an interview with Terry Meiners back in 2008 on the issue of TARP. As you may remember, this was George Bush's initiative to save the banking industry. A lot of Republicans took a lot of flack for this move. TARP was essentially trying to save the dollar from collapse.

John Yarmuth initially voted NO (obviously because it was Bush's idea). During the interview with Mr. Meiners, Mr. Yarmuth stated that he was against it. I thought, "Wow! I agree with him for once." But then Mr. Yarmuth said he got a phone call from then Senator Barack Obama asking him to change his vote, and he did.

Looking at John Yarmuth's voting record, he votes party line 95% of the time. 

Do we want a representative that will bring Chicago, California and Las Vegas principles to Kentucky? Or do we want a representative that will vote the way the People of Louisville and Kentucky want?  I'm choosing Brooks Wicker as my representative. He knows what the People of Kentucky wants and needs.

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