
Town Hall Event - Sept 26, 2012

As mentioned in the previous post about knocking doors, Mr. Wicker hosted a Town Hall event that took place at "Joe's Older Than Dirt" in Lyndon on Tuesday, September 25th.  The event was lightly attended, but had several speakers.  George Tolhurst, Marilyn Parker, and Brooks Wicker all spoke to the group as Michael Wray, Mr. Wicker's campaign manager, introduced each speaker.

Mr. Tolhurst is running for Jefferson County School Board in the 2nd District.  He spoke about the need to return the education system back to educating children and away from the extravagant spending on buses and administration.  Jefferson County has the largest (or second largest) bus fleet of any school system in the United States.  That's amazing, in a bad way, for the 42nd largest city in the country.  Mr. Tolhurst wants to change the focus and direction of the board so that it focuses more on what's good for the students first, teachers second, and the administration last.

Ms. Parker is running for the Metro Council District 18. She spoke about her desire to run for office. After learning about the corruption and wasted funding that has been going on in Jefferson County, it seems we have a new article on some issue or another monthly, she wanted to make a difference.  And she has been quite successful so far with her campaign and has a very good shot at winning the seat. 

Mr. Wicker spoke about the need to replace Mr. Yarmuth and the overall need to bring fiscal responsibility back to Congress.  It got a good start in 2010, but we need to keep the momentum in 2012.  Brooks Wicker spoke about the need to repeal ObamaCare, balance the budget and reduce or eliminate spending on unnecessary programs. 

All three fielded questions from the assembled crowd. It was an informative night.

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