During the last Louisville Young Republicans meeting, LYR Chair and KYR Vice-Chair James Young announced that the Kentucky Young Republicans will be adopting 11 candidates to focus its attentions to elect or re-elect to the Kentucky State House and regain control of the House for the first time in over 100 years. The announcement was followed with a post at the Louisville Young Republicans' website.
The two local candidates who will obtain attention are Mike Nemes, the incumbent for District 38, and Cory Koellner, a challenger for District 28. There are three activities planned to assist these candidates for re-election. Each are door-to-door canvassing on Oct 6th, 13th, and the 27th.
Visit the link above for more information, or see below the break (click See More below) to get more detailed information.
Town Hall Event - Sept 26, 2012
As mentioned in the previous post about knocking doors, Mr. Wicker hosted a Town Hall event that took place at "Joe's Older Than Dirt" in Lyndon on Tuesday, September 25th. The event was lightly attended, but had several speakers. George Tolhurst, Marilyn Parker, and Brooks Wicker all spoke to the group as Michael Wray, Mr. Wicker's campaign manager, introduced each speaker.
Mr. Tolhurst is running for Jefferson County School Board in the 2nd District. He spoke about the need to return the education system back to educating children and away from the extravagant spending on buses and administration. Jefferson County has the largest (or second largest) bus fleet of any school system in the United States. That's amazing, in a bad way, for the 42nd largest city in the country. Mr. Tolhurst wants to change the focus and direction of the board so that it focuses more on what's good for the students first, teachers second, and the administration last.
Ms. Parker is running for the Metro Council District 18. She spoke about her desire to run for office. After learning about the corruption and wasted funding that has been going on in Jefferson County, it seems we have a new article on some issue or another monthly, she wanted to make a difference. And she has been quite successful so far with her campaign and has a very good shot at winning the seat.
Mr. Wicker spoke about the need to replace Mr. Yarmuth and the overall need to bring fiscal responsibility back to Congress. It got a good start in 2010, but we need to keep the momentum in 2012. Brooks Wicker spoke about the need to repeal ObamaCare, balance the budget and reduce or eliminate spending on unnecessary programs.
All three fielded questions from the assembled crowd. It was an informative night.
Mr. Tolhurst is running for Jefferson County School Board in the 2nd District. He spoke about the need to return the education system back to educating children and away from the extravagant spending on buses and administration. Jefferson County has the largest (or second largest) bus fleet of any school system in the United States. That's amazing, in a bad way, for the 42nd largest city in the country. Mr. Tolhurst wants to change the focus and direction of the board so that it focuses more on what's good for the students first, teachers second, and the administration last.
Ms. Parker is running for the Metro Council District 18. She spoke about her desire to run for office. After learning about the corruption and wasted funding that has been going on in Jefferson County, it seems we have a new article on some issue or another monthly, she wanted to make a difference. And she has been quite successful so far with her campaign and has a very good shot at winning the seat.
Mr. Wicker spoke about the need to replace Mr. Yarmuth and the overall need to bring fiscal responsibility back to Congress. It got a good start in 2010, but we need to keep the momentum in 2012. Brooks Wicker spoke about the need to repeal ObamaCare, balance the budget and reduce or eliminate spending on unnecessary programs.
All three fielded questions from the assembled crowd. It was an informative night.
Knocking Doors for Brooks Wicker
This year I have been more politically active than I ever have. In 2010, I watched as John Yarmuth handily beat a very promising Republican candidate for Congress. The general feeling was that he could very well beat Yarmuth, especially with the wave of the TEA Party and other conservative leaning folks being highly motivated. Unfortunately, the Republican candidate was beaten, badly.
So, this year, I've taken to doing something about it. I have been vocal, using my social media accounts, attending events for our candidate, Brooks Wicker, and even knocking doors. And it is this article that I wanted to use to give you an idea of what it is like. Perhaps you will want to join Mr. Wicker's volunteer team to get the word out and get people to vote for him.
I was able to assist in passing out a town hall event flier last Wed and Thu. I knocked on about 40-60 doors and left a flier at each one except one. The people who were home were very kind, even if they weren't Republican, even if they were voting for the Democrat. Most people, however, were very interested in learning about Mr. Wicker and wanted to vote Mr. Yarmuth out.
The one house I did not leave a flier at was a curmudgeonly, drunk fellow who was anti-Republican anything. But even he told me I can "go next door" and not bother him about it. So, it wasn't all that bad.
On Saturday, I took to my own neighborhood and passed out more fliers. I tried to get as many out as I could, so I didn't bother knocking. I did talk with a few people. Fortunately, there was one in my neighborhood who agreed to having a yard sign placed in their yard.
So, if you are worried at all about knocking doors, don't be! It is a really great way to get Mr. Wicker's name out there. And it will also uplift you as you hear people's stories and meet those who agree with your political positions.
So, this year, I've taken to doing something about it. I have been vocal, using my social media accounts, attending events for our candidate, Brooks Wicker, and even knocking doors. And it is this article that I wanted to use to give you an idea of what it is like. Perhaps you will want to join Mr. Wicker's volunteer team to get the word out and get people to vote for him.
I was able to assist in passing out a town hall event flier last Wed and Thu. I knocked on about 40-60 doors and left a flier at each one except one. The people who were home were very kind, even if they weren't Republican, even if they were voting for the Democrat. Most people, however, were very interested in learning about Mr. Wicker and wanted to vote Mr. Yarmuth out.
The one house I did not leave a flier at was a curmudgeonly, drunk fellow who was anti-Republican anything. But even he told me I can "go next door" and not bother him about it. So, it wasn't all that bad.
On Saturday, I took to my own neighborhood and passed out more fliers. I tried to get as many out as I could, so I didn't bother knocking. I did talk with a few people. Fortunately, there was one in my neighborhood who agreed to having a yard sign placed in their yard.
So, if you are worried at all about knocking doors, don't be! It is a really great way to get Mr. Wicker's name out there. And it will also uplift you as you hear people's stories and meet those who agree with your political positions.
A Political Allegory of the Farmer
While pondering a discussion I had recently concerning the world troubles, I came up with what I thought was an interesting allegory. Here it is.
Suppose you are a very successful, wealthy farmer. Your farm consists of pigs, cows, chickens, corn, wheat, etc., etc. You have hired hands and a sweet family. Being a successful and very generous farmer, you don't mind that you have some people who come in and take some ears of corn, or some wheat for bread. Despite giving of your farm's products very generously to various charities that service those in need, you instruct your hired hands to do nothing about them. Let the intruders take what they will. After all, you are very successful and very wealthy. It doesn't hurt. After some time the intruders start taking pigs and cows. You think, "That's not so bad, they deserve a little meat once in awhile."If you are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, you go to the town and post an apology at the town hall and send a truck with speakers to blast that apology to the people.
However, you notice a disturbing trend. While taking your fruits into the stores in town, you notice some vandalism to the property. Broken fences, spray painted barns and rocks. Not a problem, just an annoyance. But farther into town you see posters, fliers, and other propaganda all slandering your good, and very generous, name. Some of the handbills even threaten violence against you. This does not seem right. After all, you share your wealth with those in need and with anyone who asks.
You try to appease the people, talk with those responsible. However, violence does erupt. Many of your hired hands are bullied or beaten. Even your family is starting to get roughed up. The next week, your foreman is found dead, having been killed while looking for potential employees to hire. What is your course of action?
Neither Healthy nor Hunger-Free
FoxNews has an article about the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 – legislation promoted by Michelle Obama, which is neither keeping some kids Healthy nor Hunger Free. The Federal law is a one-size fits all solution for school lunches. Therefore, you get the 6'3" high school linebacker, who burns through 3000 calories during afternoon practice, being forced to eat (if he buys the school lunch) a 780 calorie lunch, the same as that skinny kid who just grows tall, but never gains a pound... even though he can burn through the calories just as fast, the same as the 5'4" 240 pound kid who really does need to lose wait, but doing it this extremely may be dangerous to his/her health.
Don't get me wrong, we've got some fat kids. But school lunches are not the problem. It's the lack of exercise, too much air conditioning (why go outside and play when it's cool inside), and too much tv/games.
Now we've also got a free-market problem on our hands. They've reduced the food, reduced the calories, and reduced the price. Wait, no! Haha! The government does not reduce prices! No, they raised the price of lunch 10 cents. Nothing like a government agency to waste millions of dollars on overages and waste. (See also Amtrak's $10 burger)
Don't get me wrong, we've got some fat kids. But school lunches are not the problem. It's the lack of exercise, too much air conditioning (why go outside and play when it's cool inside), and too much tv/games.
Now we've also got a free-market problem on our hands. They've reduced the food, reduced the calories, and reduced the price. Wait, no! Haha! The government does not reduce prices! No, they raised the price of lunch 10 cents. Nothing like a government agency to waste millions of dollars on overages and waste. (See also Amtrak's $10 burger)
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